Lose weight without dieting
We all have certain eating habits, some good and some bad and our habits are controlled by the subconscious mind. Our combination of hypnosis and NLP works directly with the subconscious so we can change the undesirable eating habits to healthy eating habits.
As well as habits contributing to body image, there may be emotional factors that can add to the increase of; or inability to control weight. By changing both the unhealthy habits and addressing the emotional factors for under/over eating successful changes can be achieved easily and naturally.
There are four golden rules for restoring normal eating reflex in a human being that go totally against what the diet books and associations would have you think.
They are:
When you are hungry; eat.
Eat what you want, not what you think you should have.
Eat consciously.
When you think you are full, stop.
During the initial consultation these golden rules are discussed in detail and make perfect sense to anyone wishing to control their weight permanently.
Our sessions do not include structured dieting. Diets don't work.
The instant you tell your brain you are voluntarily restricting food intake you are instructing your body to turn into a fat retaining machine. Understanding the power of the subconscious mind in relation to weight loss brings an overwhelming freedom and personal empowerment to an area of great concern to many people.
Weight loss sessions generally consist of an initial session of 2 1/2 hours which includes discussion of a completed questionnaire to highlight areas of concern in dietary and motivational habits.
The hypnosis session carried out at this time focuses on the main points uncovered such as eating too quickly or lack of motivation to exercise. We then turn the client loose "to experience individually the immediate change brought by the session". If any other areas are raised during the initial consultation they can be explored during a subsequent session or sessions. We refuse however to sell our clients something they do not need.
The initial session cost is $455 with subsequent sessions (only if required) at $355.
"Carol, I can only say thank you so much. Already weight is falling off me, my alcohol has gone right down, I’m more enthusiastic back into walking and feeling great all without thinking twice
about it."
- Terry
"To Carol - I feel like I am truly ready and strong enough to start my new life.
I was truly amazed at your genuine care for me as a complete stranger... Thank you so much for your help and now it’s my time to change."
- Justin
"Perth Hypnosis Centre has helped me change my life for the better. I look forward to a healthier future, one with lots of kids and grandkids that I'll be able to play with because I'm healthier, fitter and have more energy."
- LM, Inglewood
Our complete range of hypnotherapy services include:
Illicit drugs
Marijuana (12-month free back-up)
Nicotine replacements (12-month free back-up)
Prescription drugs
Smoking (12-month free back-up)
Vaping (12-month free back-up)
Exam Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobias
Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Aerophobia (fear of flying)
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces with no ready escape)
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces)
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Cyberphobia (fear of computers)
Dentophobia (fear of dentists)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Fear of failure of success
Fear of driving
Food phobias/aversions
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Mysophobia (fear of germs)
Tomophobia (fear of surgery)
Trypanophobia (fear of needles/injections)
Zoophobia (fear of animals)
Attitude Change
Behaviour Pattern Release
Anger/temper control
Beliefs Change
Chronic Pain
Creative Abilities
Easing Someone from Your Mind
Effective Study Habits
Goal Accomplishment
Habit Breaking
Bruxism (grinding teeth)
Nail biting
Skin picking - Dermatillomania or Excoriation Disorder
Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)
IVF / Conception Stress
Memory: Recall at Will
Mindset Change
Postoperative Recovery
Reading Faster
Reduce a Memory’s Negative Impact
Self Esteem/Self-Confidence
Stop Blushing
Stress Management
Trauma Recovery
Childhood Trauma
Rape Trauma
Relationship Trauma
Weight Change
Other (contact us if your specific concern is not mentioned)