Carol Vaughan
Carol is accredited with the Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists, The Medical Register of Australia, and the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia.

Carol A. Vaughan
Counsellor and
Clinical Hypnotherapist
B.Couns Dip.Clinical Hypnosis MAEPH
After receiving her Counselling Degree at The University of Notre Dame in Fremantle in 2004, Carol embarked keenly into the world of psychology, practicing in the areas of domestic violence, self-esteem, anxiety, depression and life coaching. She loved her work and found the effect on people’s lives was deeply satisfying.
On the other hand, her Brother-In-Law, Phil Harrison of Perth Hypnosis Centre kept intriguing her with his passion about hypnosis and its incredible immediacy and impact on his client’s long-term habits and fears.
Curiosity drove Carol to explore it for herself. That first encounter with hypnosis was so personally empowering that it was enough to catapult her into a whole new professional direction and specialisation. Hence, after adding Clinical Hypnotherapy to her Counselling degree, she seized the offer to join Phil and Tracy’s team at Perth Hypnosis Centre in 2008.
Carol finds every session has its magic, brought by the client’s unique personality and life experiences, their desired outcome and their readiness to do the work needed to deal with some unwanted aspect of their life. Hypnotherapy, in her experience, is the perfect launching pad that clears the roadblocks and enables the easier follow through that is absolutely necessary to secure the desired outcome. Expect to get some “homework” after a session with Carol.
Carol says:
"Staying up-to-date with emerging findings in the world of scientific research has long held a fascination for me and I am increasingly amazed over what it reveals about enhancing the workings of the brain, especially around relieving anxiety, a subject I feel passionate about. It continues to deeply enrich my practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, particularly informing the suggestions I offer during Hypnosis, whether a habit needs eliminating or when anxiety and depression are causing suffering. Teaching how to understand the power of habit and beliefs continues to loom large in the way I practice. Science is continually validating how relief can be found from the debilitating experiences of my clients via incredibly simple, natural and effective ways. I love to pay that information forward to inspire looking more deeply into other contributing causes and remedies outside of what Hypnosis serves. Unsurprisingly, above all else, my favourite therapy for setting all manner of personal change in motion is the calming, clearing effect of Hypnosis.
"The longer I use the gentle, yet powerful therapy of Hypnosis, the more I love my work, and I just can’t ever see myself doing anything else!"
I can’t thank you enough for helping me overcome my fear of driving. I had a very deep sense of worry, guilt and an immense feeling of failure for many years because driving didn’t feel normal and was sometimes a terrifying experience.
I am committed to practising it daily with the mindset of it being a normal activity and applying the visualisation that we agreed on. I know that I may feel discomfort, but it is temporary and I breathe and talk myself through it.
My aim is that with regular practice and exposure over time, I can drive anywhere – even the freeway!! Thank you.
- Amanda (2023)
Hi Carol,
Just wanted to touch base since I saw you. Wow wow wow. Feeling like a million dollars, Brain feels like it’s been rearranged and feels like I’m a new man with a mission of being good and fit and healthy for me and my family. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, Cheers.
- Kevin (2019)
To Carol,
I feel like I am truly ready and strong enough to start my new life. I was truly amazed at your genuine care for me as a complete stranger. Your patience and thoughtfulness is rare in today’s society. Thank you so much for your help and now it’s my time to change.
- Justin
I can only say thank you so much. Already weight is falling off me, my alcohol has gone right down, I’m more enthusiastic back into walking and feeling great all without thinking twice about it. I have been tell friends of how good it’s been for me and will be referring them to you.
- Terry
Hi Carol,
am beyond satisfied with my results. As a 31-year smoker, I thought I would be smoking forever… My four kids are so proud of me!
- Amy (2018)