Increase motivation
Every human being is subject to laws. We are, for instance, subject to the law of gravity. If we trip over, we discover this very quickly. We are also subject to psychological laws and two you may be encountering right now are the psychological law of “reversed effect” (the more you try to focus on a subject, the more distracted you become) and a “self-fulfilling prophecy” (I know I’m going to lose focus and, bingo! you lose focus).
Ever since you were born, your mind has been working on two different levels; the conscious and the subconscious (or, unconscious). Your conscious mind is simply your everyday logical, rational thinking.
The job of your subconscious mind is self-preservation. It has been designed to protect you from two things. 1: physical danger and 2: emotional pain. If you have associated studies, work etc with any form of emotional pain (frustration, boredom, a self-fulfilling prophecy) the subconscious mind will try to protect you from that emotional pain.
Being extremely powerful (the most complex and powerful physical structure we have yet discovered in our universe), it is also extremely efficient. It will take the shortest possible route to protect you from any emotional pain and it will normally achieve this in one or two ways.
Firstly, it will try to keep you away from that which was causing the pain (this is why people develop phobias), or it will get you to concentrate on that which is causing the pain in order to protect you. If, for instance there was a tiger snake coiled and ready to strike in front of you, your attention would not be on reading this email, would it? Your attention would be fixed on the snake. If you know where that snake is at all times, you can be ready for the attack.
In the past, you may have associated study, work etc with boredom, frustration or another “negative” emotion. Your subconscious has now linked study with these emotions and must protect you. The easiest way to protect you? To distract you from that which was causing the pain (by simply and subtly suggesting that you procrastinate or associate study or work etc with an even more negative emotion – a vicious cycle).
Many people experience brief interludes where setting goals and determination in studies are high priority in their lives but then quickly fade away again. They say “My motivation doesn’t last” our answer to this is “neither does bathing” that’s why we recommend it every day.
Through hypnosis we can simply allow the subconscious mind that has been trying to protect you from the negative emotions now associated with your work or your studies, to associate these with emotional pleasure and a sense of achievement with every small goal obtained.
When the subconscious begins to associate your work or those studies with a positive, rather than a negative emotion, it will naturally push you toward your work or your studies to obtain that emotional reward again. You and I are human beings. If we do something once and it makes feel good, we’ll naturally want to do that thing again.
How will it accomplish that? Through focus and determination.
We would only ever recommend one session which will be $395, however if you feel that subsequent sessions would help they would be $295.
"Many moons ago, do you remember people asking you "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Do you remember how easily and confidently you would respond? Most people would answer that question eagerly and they would say whatever came to mind. Doubts and limitations were non-existent. You knew that you could do anything you wanted to do...
"I Booked my adult daughter in with Carol for trichotillomania (obsessively pulling out hair)... The behaviour stopped cold... that one session of 3 hours changed her life..."
- Julia I (2022)
"There is hope
and it starts here."
- Diana (2022)
Our complete range of hypnotherapy services include:
Illicit drugs
Marijuana (12-month free back-up)
Nicotine replacements (12-month free back-up)
Prescription drugs
Smoking (12-month free back-up)
Vaping (12-month free back-up)
Exam Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobias
Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Aerophobia (fear of flying)
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces with no ready escape)
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces)
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Cyberphobia (fear of computers)
Dentophobia (fear of dentists)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Fear of failure of success
Fear of driving
Food phobias/aversions
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Mysophobia (fear of germs)
Tomophobia (fear of surgery)
Trypanophobia (fear of needles/injections)
Zoophobia (fear of animals)
Attitude Change
Behaviour Pattern Release
Anger/temper control
Beliefs Change
Chronic Pain
Creative Abilities
Easing Someone from Your Mind
Effective Study Habits
Goal Accomplishment
Habit Breaking
Bruxism (grinding teeth)
Nail biting
Skin picking - Dermatillomania or Excoriation Disorder
Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)
IVF / Conception Stress
Memory: Recall at Will
Mindset Change
Postoperative Recovery
Reading Faster
Reduce a Memory’s Negative Impact
Self Esteem/Self-Confidence
Stop Blushing
Stress Management
Trauma Recovery
Childhood Trauma
Rape Trauma
Relationship Trauma
Weight Change
Other (contact us if your specific concern is not mentioned)