Freedom from anxiety
Carol A. Vaughan
Counsellor and
Clinical Hypnotherapist
B.Couns Dip.Clinical Hyp. MAEPH
During those times you feel overwhelmed by fearful thoughts and feelings, do you wonder if it will ever go away? I don’t know how you experience anxiety, we are all a little different, but if it is anything like mine was, I feel for you. I had no idea where my confident self went, or how to get her back … maybe you feel like you have never known what it is like to feel confident ….I just knew I was terrified about something I had no choice but to go through, not coping, not eating, not sleeping, couldn’t think straight or remember what I needed to remember. It was the first time in my life I had experienced feeling like I couldn’t breathe.
When you can’t stop your mind going over and over some old experience, when you fear something bad is about to happen or an upcoming real experience is looming too large and menacing, and you know it doesn’t make sense to be feeling this high level of intensity… do you become exhausted, trying to shut up or ignore the incessant “what if” questions that keep surfacing… wishing you could avoid an invitation when you would rather be invisible… or wishing you could stop being jealous and needy, fearing they will leave you devastated… do you avoid applying for that fabulous job because you fear you are not good enough??? So many ways it can surface, often randomly and unpredictably pulling the rug out from under your day. The awful feelings in the pit of your stomach, your mind gone blank on you, feeling super touchy and defensive, got the sweats, the shallow breathing, the tight shoulders, can’t eat or overeating to try and get a moment of sweet relief… I got you.
You might like to know this one truth. Out of all the mental health issues you might encounter in your lifetime, anxiety is the most curable!
It doesn’t have to take years or be complicated.
My experience of moving from overwhelmed to thriving, placed me in a grateful position where I wanted to give a hand up and help others climb out of that dark place too. Now it’s what I love to do, in fact, I pretty much can’t help myself.
Along the way I have learned that anxiety is not only caused by our thinking. There are many physical and biological contributors to the experience of anxiety too. There is also good solid science to show that developing good practices like meditation or yoga, exercise, social support, cultivating gratefulness, spending time in nature, eating well to ensure good gut health… In short, a team approach ensures the best outcome for you. I have heaps of information I can give you, experts to link you up with that will help you identify what else you can do to help yourself along the way.
For me, the gentle, yet powerful art of Hypnosis is my favourite therapy. I might be a little biased. Together, we can draw a line in the dirt and you can begin the journey to recovery. I’ll be giving you some simple homework that will equip you and speed up the development of new, fresh responses to life. You do need to be ready to do what you need to do. And, know this, just like when you were a little child learning to walk, step by step, you did fall on to your bottom and had a cry a few times before you mastered that skill… but you did master it. Just as surely, you will master this life thing too.
I’d be honoured to be part of your journey – how could I be of service to you?
Anxiety session fees:
1st session: allow 2 hours, cost is $395
Second and subsequent sessions, if needed, are $295
"There is hope
and it starts here."
- Diana (2022)
"Perth Hypnosis Centre has helped me change my life for the better. I look forward to a healthier future, one with lots of kids and grandkids that I'll be able to play with because I'm healthier, fitter and have more energy."
- LM, Inglewood
"Dear Phil. I came to see you last Friday regarding anxiety and panic attacks at work and in social instances. I can’t find them! Where have they gone? Thank you so much!"
- SH
"After trying for a baby for 3 years, including multiple IVF failures, I really believe that Carol put me on the right pathway to be able to relax within myself to be able to conceive. She has given me the gift of life..."
- Chloe (2017)
Our complete range of hypnotherapy services include:
Illicit drugs
Marijuana (12-month free back-up)
Nicotine replacements (12-month free back-up)
Prescription drugs
Smoking (12-month free back-up)
Vaping (12-month free back-up)
Exam Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobias
Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Aerophobia (fear of flying)
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces with no ready escape)
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces)
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Cyberphobia (fear of computers)
Dentophobia (fear of dentists)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Fear of failure of success
Fear of driving
Food phobias/aversions
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)
Mysophobia (fear of germs)
Tomophobia (fear of surgery)
Trypanophobia (fear of needles/injections)
Zoophobia (fear of animals)
Attitude Change
Behaviour Pattern Release
Anger/temper control
Beliefs Change
Chronic Pain
Creative Abilities
Easing Someone from Your Mind
Effective Study Habits
Goal Accomplishment
Habit Breaking
Bruxism (grinding teeth)
Nail biting
Skin picking - Dermatillomania or Excoriation Disorder
Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)
IVF / Conception Stress
Memory: Recall at Will
Mindset Change
Postoperative Recovery
Reading Faster
Reduce a Memory’s Negative Impact
Self Esteem/Self-Confidence
Stop Blushing
Stress Management
Trauma Recovery
Childhood Trauma
Rape Trauma
Relationship Trauma
Weight Change
Other (contact us if your specific concern is not mentioned)